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Dr. Steve & Kay Cassell

Lead Pastor   //   Women's Ministry

Steve and Kay began their journey of faith together when they started dating just out of Forreston High School in North-Western Illinois. Soon after becoming committed to each other their self-involved lives were wonderfully interrupted by the goodness and love of God. Steve was running from a call of God on his life from birth. He died multiple times in his mother's arms and from a position of desperation, she laid him on the alter of a church where God, in His amazing grace, raised him up in health. Steve was always aware of “The Call” but foolishly chose to allow hurt from the church and the attractiveness of “the world” steal his heart away. Kay was on a parallel path of blindly following “the world’s” version of life. Then entered the truth!
Through divine appointments and the passionate pursuit of a loving Savior, both of them were radically saved by an experiential knowledge of the true nature and character of God. Even though they were both just teens, they new immediately that their lives were eternally altered by this experience. They quickly eloped to establish their commitment to each other and started making plans on how to fulfill the Divine “call” and satisfy the hunger in our heart. Two years later they were in Fort Worth where Steve attended a Word of Faith bible college. While in the DFW Metroplex for the next 14 years their experience in ministry, business and management, church government and helps, parenting and education gave them a wealth of necessary tangible and intangible benefits for their future. The time was also darkly laced with hardships, fears, many tears and deep problems that eventually led to a near collapse of their marriage and family. But God! The same goodness and grace of God that found them in the beginning also heroically rescued them again. Through numerous powerful revelations and encounters of the grace and fervency of God’s kind of real love they were healed and knitted together in a way that very, very few marriages will ever experience. The old passed away and new life really began.
From these experiences and encounters they committed to go “all in” to the “first love" call of God in joining with Jesus for the building of His Kingdom in the region of their birth and the whole world. From that Call they established a church, discipleship program, home for pregnant teens and babies and many other outreaches to try and change the spiritual direction everywhere they went. They are now in the middle of their Divine Destiny, living the quality and quantity of life that they should have had all along. They are compelled to help as many people experience the purpose of their creation in the love, grace and supernatural power of this radical Savior, Jesus Christ, and His resurrection life. Their testimony is growing, come ask them about it…

Email Pastor Steve:

Beloved Office:          (815) 990-0367


Sundays at 9:30 am



216 W Mason St

Lena, IL 61048

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